Irene Yao
Irene started her studies at CCMAA in 2002. Since then she has been a diligent student of both Hung Kuen Kung Fu and Tai Chi. Since 2004 she has been a top competitor winning numerous gold medals in national and international competition including top honors at the USCKF and later USKSF as well as ICMAC in Las Vegas. Among her many accomplishments are the United States Kuo Shu Federation's Female Tai Chi push hands grand champion 2006 and the Female Competitor of the year in 2007 for internal divisions! As recently as 2016 Irene traveled to Foxian Xijiao China as part of team USA where she won gold in all divisions she entered at the World Hung Kuen Association world championships! She is the first woman to achieve the rank of Sifu under Calvin Chin in the FHTHM system, but we know she will not be the last!
Posing with the Gold and her fellow, winning, teammates in China!