Pictured left to right: Lawrence Chan, Eric Kolaczyk, Sunny Cheng, Stephen Yu, Jessica Chin, Sifu Calvin Chin, Andrew Chin, Stephen Wing, Mynor Diaz, Irene Yao, Rob Elkind, and Paul Ho
Disciple Ceremony at Open House 8/8/21
At the Helen Gee Chin Scholarship Foundation Fundraiser “Open House”, a tea ceremony was held to induct 11 disciples. Along with his two children, Sifu Chin chose nine students as disciples (or indoor students) and inheritors of the Fu Hok Tai He Morn system and they swore an oath to promote and preserve the lifelong mission of the school. The nine students were chosen not just based on length of time or ability, but also on the following virtues that align with the colors of our system's logo:
Yellow – grounded, reliable
White - righteousness, pureness
Blue - truthfulness, trust, integrity
Blood Line: Andrew Chin, Jessica Chin
Disciples: Stephen Wing, Mynor Diaz, Irene Yao, Robert Elkind, Paul Ho, Stephen Yu, Sunny Cheng, Eric Kolaczyk, Lawrence Chan.